Men's T-Shirt: "The Price of Anything is the Amount of Life You Exchange for It." - Thoreau
Bella + Canvas Youth Tri‑Blend T‑shirt. Steel Blue tri-blend.
Note about color: Color is darker than it appears in this picture. See third picture for how it appears in real life.
3.4 oz. 50/25/25 polyester, pre-shrunk combed ringspun cotton, rayon tri-blend material
Double-needle stitched for durability
Silky smooth luxurious fabric
Stretchy ribbed collar for comfort
Men's T-Shirt: "The Price of Anything is the Amount of Life You Exchange for It." - Thoreau
Bella + Canvas Youth Tri‑Blend T‑shirt. Steel Blue tri-blend.
Note about color: Color is darker than it appears in this picture. See third picture for how it appears in real life.
3.4 oz. 50/25/25 polyester, pre-shrunk combed ringspun cotton, rayon tri-blend material
Double-needle stitched for durability
Silky smooth luxurious fabric
Stretchy ribbed collar for comfort